Thursday, April 29, 2010

Edelweiss Party! Then came even Commissioner

Dusseldorf - the comeback of alpine cuisine on the Hüttenstraße.
Ulf Tassilo Munch and his team have the premises of the former "Paulaner Botschaft breathed" new life, and celebrated the debut of its "Restaurant Edelweiss" on Thursday evening, rushing to a summer party.
"The last thing Dusseldorf still is, an x-ter posh shop with cross-over cuisine. We offer people excellent food and drink, friendly service and fair prices. All without any show, "promised co-manager Wilfried Metzger. Promise too much? Hardly: the boiled beef of Chef Klaus Schoepf was once judged even by football legend Ernst Happel as "well out of reach."
Without show things in the great opening but then not. The predominantly "edelweiss" party-dressed audience was amused at the beer garden with live music by Steven Kay Prilloff and Juan J. Gutierrez. "Chic shop with really cozy atmosphere," enthused artist Markus Tollmann that Munch had just brought one of his paintings as an inauguration gift.
Also with suitable King Ludwig Weissbier when spotted relaxing under the sun umbrella: Series Actor Michael noseband ( "K11 - The Crime Squad") and party organizers Schlossmacher Kay: "I am voting miss a bit of a my personal Jubilee weekend. This Saturday we celebrate five years in all weather Flingern Flingern Captain. "

Friday, April 23, 2010

Microsoft deletes nasty promotional video

Cologne - As the Web magnates have overshot's probably something Target: Microsoft has removed a promotional video for the new Internet Exlorer 8 from their own homepage. Many customers had complained.
The reason: The photographs show a woman that her husband vollkotzt at the breakfast table!
The video suggests a funny way, that the woman found her husband on the computer repulsive pornographic material and needs to vomit. For example, Microsoft promote the exciting new features of "IE wants to make." So that the man had been previously able to choose to have it run its course, including cookies and downloads will not be saved before it is his mistress's tricks ...
HERE's the mad Kotz Video>
Also of interest: Microsoft's "Bing" flings with porn around> will with "Bing" Microsoft attacked Google>

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bierhoff attacks DFB

Frankfurt - national team manager Oliver Bierhoff laments the lack of backing of the DFB.
"Sometimes I would even like to put things exactly according to my ideas. In a kind of mix of coaches and managers, "said the European champion from 1996 in the mirror and adding that he could imagine a good time to work two years as coach.
Then he attacked his employer DFB. As part of the equipment dispute between partners Nike and Adidas challengers they had let him down.
"I have the DFB was then a 500-million-euro offer conveyed by Nike. Since it would have meant for other companies: Let's talk about a bonus. Instead, I got into the headlines, "Bierhoff said, adding:" Where was the conflict?
The bearer of a 500-million-euro bid, or is that an association is long associated with another partner, waived a lot of money. The fact that the bearers of the message pockets beating, I think, difficult to understand. "

Sunday, April 11, 2010

In Beethoven Hall continues to be celebrated

Bonn --
The WCCB scandal: It costs the city of Bonn is not only a lot of prestige. Now it is once again a lot of money to be made loose. And this whopping 800 000 euros, not to go out in Beethoven Hall, Plenary Hall, the lights and water works. But only until mid-February!
The money is put into the insolvent WCCB-Management GmbH, so that in the coming weeks to work effectively - and as the Prince's proclamation on 8 January in the Beethoven Hall will not be canceled. What would have happened, moreover, an expensive: The Festival Committee had demanded damages in the tens of thousands.
An example in which we see in what a stupid situation, the city has maneuvered: It is no longer the 'owner' in Beethoven's own hall, run through the events GmbH
This is the time for the next 20 events, 10 rehearsals and of course the New Year's Eve party in the hall responsible.
In the public part of the Ratssondersitzung but was only announced once cut and thrust. Political skirmishes via e-mail or late administrative templates, which commented on Bonn's mayor Jürgen Nimptsch with a dry "That is going well." But ultimately, they all wanted to get the cow in terms of WCCB the ice.
An expensive last resort. And how about starting in March will continue, whether the city taxpayers again to fund must ask - open to all.
Could it be that private operators, respectively for Hall, Plenary Hall and Waterworks win the contract. Remains the million dollar question: What will become of the site WCCB?

Monday, April 5, 2010

The 115-Test

Dusseldorf - The lost car registration, questions about the family, trouble with bohrwütigen neighbors - who do I contact?
Since Tuesday there is a simple answer. Was under the speed dial "115", a new hot-line connected to all questions to local authorities. But, what sort of new super number?
Day one of the "D115" Service Center - already there in the morning rush. "To Item 8 clock rang for the first phone," says project manager Reinhold Liesner. "Every hour, we had 50 to 60 calls." 33 employees lure the citizens of 8 until 18 clock through the office jungle.
The promises of "D 115": For the 150 most popular themes such as identity and lost property should be immediately obtained some information, for all other within a day.
Information is also available via the authorities of other cities who participate in the pilot project (for example Mulheim, Wuppertal and Duisburg).
How well the new system works in practice? EXPRESS took the test and asked, inter alia: What can I do against neighbors, drill the late evening? How can I sell my car if I have lost my car registration? When there are 100 euro extra child benefit?
The Test Result: All the questions could be answered within two to seven minutes, usually only a few seconds we hung on hold (negative record: 1:30 minutes). The employees seemed motivated and friendly.
If they have a question about the child allowance (100 euros extra there are way-off) in April, have not answered, the caller is forwarded to a competent contact person from the competent authority.
Less enjoyable than the precise information - it even gave directions to the authorities - were the resulting bills.
To call the "115" free from a landline seven cents per minute, from a cell phone up to 39 cents. "This is the technology behind the speed dial number funded," said city spokesman Michael Miner. "The city deserves to call it."
For bargain hunters, who know which authority is dealing with your concerns, keep the old numbers available. Information about other "115" cities is there is not.